Perspectives in Statistical Modeling and Inference
A Workshop in Honor of Ed George’s 70th Birthday
December 10 - 11, 2021
Colloquium (8th floor) of Huntsman Hall
The Wharton School
3730 Walnut St, Philadelphia
December 10 - 11
December 11 Evening
Registration Here
Important Notices
1. PennOpen Green Pass is required on both days due to University Policy.
Please prepare your vaccination card (or electronic copy).
2. Masks are required indoors at Penn facilities.
3. Banquet dress code: No denim nor sneakers. Jacket is required for men.
4. The poster session submission is now closed.
5. WiFi on-campus: Use AirPennNet-Guest. See instructions here.

Let's celebrate Ed's 70th birthday!
December 10
Huntsman Hall 8th Floor
3730 Walnut St, Philadelphia
Time | Speaker | Title (Click to Abstract) |
8:20-8:40am | Breakfast | |
8:45-9:00am | Jim Berger Linda Zhao | Welcome |
Chair 9:00-10:30am | Feng Liang University of Illinois |
Robert McCulloch Arizona State University |
Multidimensional Monotonicity Discovery with MBART | |
Harrison Zhou Yale University |
Global Convergence of EM | |
10:30-11:00am | Break | |
Chair 11:00am-12:30pm | Lyle Ungar University of Pennsylvania |
Frank Diebold University of Pennsylvania |
On the Aggregation of Probability Assessments: Regularized Mixtures of Predictive Densities | |
Dean Foster Amazon |
Calibration, Falsifiability and Macau | |
12:30-1:30pm | Lunch | |
Chair 1:30-3:00pm | Dylan Small University of Pennsylvania |
David Donoho Stanford University |
Larry Wasserman Carnegie Mellon University |
Optimal Transport With Applications to Background Modeling | |
3:00-3:30pm | Break | |
Chair 3:30-5:00pm | Robert Wolpert Duke University |
Veronika Rockova University of Chicago |
TSVS: Thompson Sampling for Variable Selection | |
Edoardo Airoldi Temple University |
Model-assisted Design of Experiments |
Huntsman Hall 8th Floor
3730 Walnut St, Philadelphia
December 11
Huntsman Hall 8th Floor
3730 Walnut St, Philadelphia
Time | Speaker | Title (Click to Abstract) |
8:30-8:55am | Breakfast | |
Chair 9:00-10:30am | Sameer Deshpande University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Nancy Reid University of Toronto |
Data-Dependent Priors | |
Bill Strawderman Rutgers University |
On Minimax Shrinkage Estimation with Variable Selection | |
10:30-11:00am | Break | |
Chair 11:00am-12:30pm | Shane Jensen University of Pennsylvania |
Richard Samworth University of Cambridge |
Optimal Subgroup Selection | |
Alicia Carriquiry Iowa State University |
On the Validity of Forensic Pattern Comparison Disciplines | |
12:30-1:30pm | Lunch | |
Chair 1:30-3:00pm | Tony Cai University of Pennsylvania |
Merlise Clyde Duke University |
Bridging Spike and Slab Priors and Generalized g-priors | |
Jun Liu Harvard University |
Bootstrap, Hierarchical Bayes, and Neural Networks -- a Generative Multi-purpose Sampler |
3:00-3:30pm | Break | |
Chair 3:30-5:00pm | Zongming Ma University of Pennsylvania |
Xinyi Xu Ohio State University |
From Minimax Mean Estimation to Minimax Density Prediction | |
Iain Johnstone Stanford University |
Minimax Bayes predictive density estimation for sparse normal means |
The Union League of Philadelphia
140 S Broad St, Philadelphia
Banquet speech: Richard De Veaux (Williams College)
Inn at Penn (on campus) |
Sheraton University City (on campus) |
3600 Sansom St, Philadelphia | 3549 Chestnut St, Philadelphia |
Element Philadelphia (center city) |
Club Quarters (center city) |
1441 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia | 1628 Chestnut St, Philadelphia |
The Organizing Committee
Linda Zhao (Contact)
University of Pennsylvania
Academic Research Building265 South 37th Street, 3rd & 4th Floors
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Cecilia Balocchi
University of Torino
Jim Berger
Duke University
Junhui Cai
University of Pennsylvania
Tony Cai
University of Pennsylvania
Sameer Deshpande
University of Wisconsin – Madison
Shane Jensen
University of Pennsylvania
Arun Kumar Kuchibhotla
Carnegie Mellon University
Feng Liang
University of Illinois
Gemma Moran
Columbia University
Dylan Small
University of Pennsylvania